Sweet, sweet progress!
Do you ever find yourself taking fore-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ver on something and just feel like you’re never, ever, EVER going to finish?
I hope not, for your sake, but I will admit that I did, with a project that has taken years and years and years to get off the ground. It’s a writing project, of course, a middle grade, contemporary, illustrated fantasy that nearly saw publication years ago but the deal fell through. I decided to re-write it to see if I could revive it. I did, but ooooof OMG, it was soooo hard.
What did it take?
- Rewriting it entirely from scratch–many multiple times. CHECK.
- Sending it to beta readers–for several passes. CHECK.
- Getting professional feedback and encouragement. CHECK.
- Determining which scenes will be illustrated. CHECK
- And now, sending it to other/more authors and readers whose opinion I value for blurbs ahead of publication. CHECK. (Blurbs are the endorsements from readers splashed across the back cover to encourage browsers to pick up the book. Hopefully my blurbs will say something like, “Stunning! This book is a must-read classic!” One can dream…)
I plan to self-publish this book in the fall, and I’ll have more details as I get further along in the process.
So I hope my progress encourages you. You CAN conquer the task/project/assignment, big or small, that’s been taking you FOREVER. I’m rooting for you.