Horrifying hauntings at Boswell Booooooookssss
Haha OMG I had such a good time at Boswell Books this weekend as I saw old friends, read aloud from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA, and answered smart questions from the audience during my author visit. It was such a fun, lively, and costumed(!) event as part of larger festivities along Downer Ave on Milwaukee’s east side. The Downer Ave Haunted Halloween festival brings out families fully dressed for a safe trick-or-treat experience, and it was just a blast. Enjoy the pictures below, and I hope to see you at my next horrifying haunting–er, book signing.
Me, as La Llorona (the Wailing Woman), the ghastly ghost said to haunt The Seven Bridges in South Milwaukee. She is the terror of my tale in the THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA, so of course I had to *become* her. Bwoooo…
Me with my old friend and uber talented Milwaukee illustrator Aaron Boyd
Happy Trick-or-Treat to all the princesses and transformers out there!
Me with my old friend and huge supporter of the arts Beth R.
Reading my spoooooky tale. That podium should have been made of bones, bwahaha…
What a fun and friendly crowd.
Love the tiger ears. Rawr.
Have some candy! It’s good for you.
The tale of La Llorona gets everyone talking.
Chatting and chatting and even more chatting, how lovely
I love this swampy costume!
Signing books. Aarh! Avast, ye pirate scum!
Genuinely impressed with kids’ costumery.
The Grim Reaper is out tonight, their eyes set on you. And if they don’t get you, woe betide you, La Llorona will…
Questions for the author.
How dare you interrupt me, mortal? I’ll take your ill-fitting head.