Yeah! Getting Closer!

     It’s been a great week. A respected figure in publishing is interested in turning one of my works into a series, and we’re moving ahead on that path. There are still revisions to be made, but it’s a very promising step that I’m pleased to share with you all!

     Also, my young adult novel is coming along nicely. I’ve gotten some excellent feedback from my critique group and have incorporated quite a few of their suggestions into the manuscript. Extra eyes really do improve the work.

     That’s the latest! Happy writing!

Who’da Thunk?

Silvia Acevedo     For whatever reason, I haven’t posted much on something which is a fairly large part of my life. Until today. But I’m just so amazed that I have to share my good news.

     Today I clinched my division in the US Speedskating National Long Track Championships held at Milwaukee’s Pettit National Ice Center. That means… drumroll please… I’m the National Champ!

     I’ve been speedskating for three years and figure skating for longer. I love both, but found myself strangely drawn to the need for speed. Who’da thunk it’d lead to a national championship? I’ve never been national anything before.

     But there’s even more good news. My daughter, Antonia, took fourth in her division, against some tremendously talented girls, some more than a year older than she. We both skated five races, and got our personal bests in all of them. My eldest daughter, Corina, and son Armando also speedskate and are showing great promise! As for my husband, well, I’m still trying to connive him into getting on the ice.

     My thanks to U.S. Speedskating; Robert R. Stewart for sponsoring my division; the Pettit National Ice Center; my club, Badger Speedskating; our coach, Jeff Brand, my darling and supportive husband, and all the folks who make the sport fun! 🙂

Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops Fold

Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops     It is with great sadness that I post of the folding of Milwaukee’s own independent bookstore, Harry W. Schwartz. The bookseller has four location and has been in business for 82 years. It was a great supporter of local authors and illustrators.

     Schwartz blames the same profound economic shifts that have brought down scores of other independent bookstores throughout the country and bode ill for surviving sellers.

     Fewer bookstores mean fewer visible choices for readers, as megachains further control which books make it to shelves, thus greatly impacting a work’s sales. Big chains themselves are not bad, but I hate to see smaller stores be lost. Options are good. Choices are positive things for consumers.

     With that in mind, I’m wishing two of Schwartz’s managers success as each plans to buy a location and strike out on their own. The Downer Avenue location is set to open as the Boswell Book Company in April under the ownership of Daniel Goldwin. Lanora Hurley is in talks to open the Mequon location as the Next Chapter Bookshop, opening date yet to be determined.

     To see Schwartz’s official announcement, please click here.

New Feature

     I’ve got a new video gallery on my site, which features some of my television reporting and commentating. Just a sampling, but there you are. You can check it out by clicking here or on the Video link at the top of the page.

Wow, 2009 Already!

2009     Okay, I know that I sound like an old fuddie duddie when I say, “Oh my, where did the time go? Another year come and gone!” Well, dangit, that’s exactly how I feel, and I just cannot believe that another year’s rolling ’round.

     And what a historic year it was. New leaders. World changes. So, the eternal question. How did things change in your world? Did you accomplish your goals this year? Are you afraid to look?

     I didn’t finish my next novel, but I did get far in it, which was my stated goal this year. It sure would have been nice to finish it, though. *Sigh.* And I’m planning on revamping a past work that’s garnering some interest, so there’s promising work ahead.

     Here’s to wishing you and yours a great 2009. Much happiness and many blessings.

Everyone’s a Critic

A+     But not everyone does it well. There are angry critics who reject everything they see. There are unhelpful critics who expound without explanation. There are sunshiny, happy critics who see toil behind every work and inevitably praise every effort. Finally, there are objective, helpful critics who judge a work systematically and with professionalism.

     I’m in a crit group that’s working on our style of critique, and one member helpfully suggested author Victory Crayne’s detailed method for critiquing fiction, found here. I liked its itemized, blow-by-blow approach to offering truly helpful critiques. Nicely done and worth a look!

Copyright © Silvia Acevedo. All rights reserved.