Do you ever find yourself taking fore-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ver on something and just feel like you’re never, ever, EVER going to finish?
I hope not, for your sake, but I will admit that I did, with a project that has taken years and years and years to get off the ground. It’s a writing project, of course, a middle grade, contemporary, illustrated fantasy that nearly saw publication years ago but the deal fell through. I decided to re-write it to see if I could revive it. I did, but ooooof OMG, it was soooo hard.
What did it take?
Rewriting it entirely from scratch–many multiple times. CHECK.
Sending it to beta readers–for several passes. CHECK.
Getting professional feedback and encouragement. CHECK.
Determining which scenes will be illustrated. CHECK
And now, sending it to other/more authors and readers whose opinion I value for blurbs ahead of publication. CHECK. (Blurbs are the endorsements from readers splashed across the back cover to encourage browsers to pick up the book. Hopefully my blurbs will say something like, “Stunning! This book is a must-read classic!” One can dream…)
I plan to self-publish this book in the fall, and I’ll have more details as I get further along in the process.
So I hope my progress encourages you. You CAN conquer the task/project/assignment, big or small, that’s been taking you FOREVER. I’m rooting for you.
Haha OMG I had such a good time at Boswell Books this weekend as I saw old friends, read aloud from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA, and answered smart questions from the audience during my author visit. It was such a fun, lively, and costumed(!) event as part of larger festivities along Downer Ave on Milwaukee’s east side. The Downer Ave Haunted Halloween festival brings out families fully dressed for a safe trick-or-treat experience, and it was just a blast. Enjoy the pictures below, and I hope to see you at my next horrifying haunting–er, book signing.
Me, as La Llorona (the Wailing Woman), the ghastly ghost said to haunt The Seven Bridges in South Milwaukee. She is the terror of my tale in the THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA, so of course I had to *become* her. Bwoooo…
Me with my old friend and uber talented Milwaukee illustrator Aaron Boyd
Happy Trick-or-Treat to all the princesses and transformers out there!
Me with my old friend and huge supporter of the arts Beth R.
Reading my spoooooky tale. That podium should have been made of bones, bwahaha…
What a fun and friendly crowd.
Love the tiger ears. Rawr.
Have some candy! It’s good for you.
The tale of La Llorona gets everyone talking.
Chatting and chatting and even more chatting, how lovely 🙂
I love this swampy costume!
Signing books. Aarh! Avast, ye pirate scum!
Genuinely impressed with kids’ costumery.
The Grim Reaper is out tonight, their eyes set on you. And if they don’t get you, woe betide you, La Llorona will…
Questions for the author.
How dare you interrupt me, mortal? I’ll take your ill-fitting head. 14:52:452024-10-20 15:24:57Horrifying hauntings at Boswell Booooooookssss
Hear (and see!) my chat by clicking HERE. I have two six-minute segments starting at 6:00 and 15:50. Enjoy!
What’s On Tap host Sandy Maxx chats with author Silvia Acevedo 20:53:142024-10-20 15:05:45What’s On Tap
What an amazing evening at Daydream Believer Books and Gifts! I met a delightful, outgoing, and inquisitive young lady, eight years old, whom I’ll call Miss P who’d read my story and a bunch more in The Haunted States of America and had so many great questions and comments during my talk. Miss P had a quick answer to my question why might it be that the illustrations in the book are all black and white (“Because it’s scarier!” Yes, that’s one great reason.), and she had her own super questions about a bunch of stories (“If a character has sharp teeth, are they a good guy or a bad guy?” Oh, my darling, how context matters.).
All the authors I’ve spoken with absolutely love when readers come having already read their stories. They ask SUCH great questions, and young readers especially have fascinating ideas and adorable insights. Well, needless to say, I had the best time. Thanks, Miss P. You made my night.
Here’s a pic of me signing Daydreamer’s stock of The Haunted States. If you’re considering picking up the book, please look at Daydreamer’s and support a beautiful local bookstore. 12:10:402024-10-05 20:19:10Miss P at Daydream Believer
The book-birthday celebrations started by chatting about the book with the lovely ladies of The Morning Blend TV talk show on WTMJ, Milwaukee’s NBC affiliate. Hosts Molly Fay and Tiffany Ogle expertly talk through any topic. Here’s how we looked on the yellow couch:
And here’s how the segment turned out! Click below and enjoy.
Next I went to my local, independent bookstore, Boswell Book Company, to sign their book stock. Then–and I have to pinch myself here–by midday, Amazon had splashed a pretty little orange banner on the book’s page! Writers know a banner means the book achieved some sort of bestseller ranking, and yes, it had! THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA rocketed up the rankings to become (drumroll, please) the #1 New Release in Children’s Short Story Collections! Whoo HOO!
The love and support of friends across social media and in my inbox were absolutely heartwarming as well. Thank you to all of you who’ve cheered me on and supported me and the other 51 authors of this spooky anthology. Its publication was a journey, and we appreciate your high-fives.
If you’re wondering what all the excitement is about, please click on THIS LINK to check out the book and consider picking up a copy for a little chill-inducing fun. Thanks! 17:00:142024-07-10 19:50:33THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA — Chills on the Yellow Couch
THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA releases tomorrow, July 9, 2024! That means Spooky Season officially starts tomorrow and you can pick up this title for all the shiver-loving readers in your life! Whoo HOOO!
I love Spooky Season. Halloween. Terror Time. Whatever you like to call it, when autumn’s cold creeps in, when the world is a little grayer and grimmer, when people’s thoughts turn to the dead–and dread–of October. Bwaaahahaa.
I am sooo excited about the release of THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA. It’s the culmination of the long-held dream for 52 authors from around the U.S. and D.C. and Puerto Rico. I’m proud to represent Wisconsin and my hometown’s beautiful but supposedly haunted Seven Bridges. This collection of spooky stories from around the country is already getting great reviews, like this one from Kirkus. I know it will be a favorite for readers like me, who, as a child, would have absolutely EATEN THIS UP.
The promo copy tells you to “strap in for this spooky cross country tour.” I really hope geography teachers will offer this book to readers who like a little spine-tingling (but not too scary) thrill. And it’s great for emergent or reluctant readers, as each bite-size story spans only four to six pages.
So, my lovely reader, PLEASE ORDER THE BOOK HERE, right away, even if you think you or your young person won’t get to it just yet. First-week sales greatly affect a book’s trajectory. If you want to support your local library, please ask them to carry it! Many libraries have a link where you can request titles.
A million thanks go to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and Godwin Books/Macmillan for spearheading this project. And just as many thanks to go you, dear reader, as you dig in to these shadowy tales. I hope they bring a trickle of fear for the dark, stormy nights ahead… 00:00:332024-07-08 07:53:03Spooky Season arrives tomorrow!
Sweet, sweet progress!
/in Uncategorized /by SilviaDo you ever find yourself taking fore-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ver on something and just feel like you’re never, ever, EVER going to finish?
I hope not, for your sake, but I will admit that I did, with a project that has taken years and years and years to get off the ground. It’s a writing project, of course, a middle grade, contemporary, illustrated fantasy that nearly saw publication years ago but the deal fell through. I decided to re-write it to see if I could revive it. I did, but ooooof OMG, it was soooo hard.
What did it take?
I plan to self-publish this book in the fall, and I’ll have more details as I get further along in the process.
So I hope my progress encourages you. You CAN conquer the task/project/assignment, big or small, that’s been taking you FOREVER. I’m rooting for you.
What’s On Tap
/in In The News, Media / TV / Radio, Presenting the Prose /by SilviaWhat’s On Tap host Sandy Maxx chats with author Silvia Acevedo
Miss P at Daydream Believer
/in Presenting the Prose /by SilviaWhat an amazing evening at Daydream Believer Books and Gifts! I met a delightful, outgoing, and inquisitive young lady, eight years old, whom I’ll call Miss P who’d read my story and a bunch more in The Haunted States of America and had so many great questions and comments during my talk. Miss P had a quick answer to my question why might it be that the illustrations in the book are all black and white (“Because it’s scarier!” Yes, that’s one great reason.), and she had her own super questions about a bunch of stories (“If a character has sharp teeth, are they a good guy or a bad guy?” Oh, my darling, how context matters.).
All the authors I’ve spoken with absolutely love when readers come having already read their stories. They ask SUCH great questions, and young readers especially have fascinating ideas and adorable insights. Well, needless to say, I had the best time. Thanks, Miss P. You made my night.
Here’s a pic of me signing Daydreamer’s stock of The Haunted States. If you’re considering picking up the book, please look at Daydreamer’s and support a beautiful local bookstore.
THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA — Chills on the Yellow Couch
/in A Writer Writes, In The News, Media / TV / Radio, Personal, Presenting the Prose, Uncategorized /by SilviaRelease day for THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA was absolutely wonderful. I’m truly grateful for a sublime day.
The book-birthday celebrations started by chatting about the book with the lovely ladies of The Morning Blend TV talk show on WTMJ, Milwaukee’s NBC affiliate. Hosts Molly Fay and Tiffany Ogle expertly talk through any topic. Here’s how we looked on the yellow couch:
And here’s how the segment turned out! Click below and enjoy.
Next I went to my local, independent bookstore, Boswell Book Company, to sign their book stock. Then–and I have to pinch myself here–by midday, Amazon had splashed a pretty little orange banner on the book’s page! Writers know a banner means the book achieved some sort of bestseller ranking, and yes, it had! THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA rocketed up the rankings to become (drumroll, please) the #1 New Release in Children’s Short Story Collections! Whoo HOO!
The love and support of friends across social media and in my inbox were absolutely heartwarming as well. Thank you to all of you who’ve cheered me on and supported me and the other 51 authors of this spooky anthology. Its publication was a journey, and we appreciate your high-fives.
If you’re wondering what all the excitement is about, please click on THIS LINK to check out the book and consider picking up a copy for a little chill-inducing fun. Thanks!
Spooky Season arrives tomorrow!
/in A Writer Writes, In The News, News, Presenting the Prose, Uncategorized /by SilviaWow wow woweee wow!
THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA releases tomorrow, July 9, 2024! That means Spooky Season officially starts tomorrow and you can pick up this title for all the shiver-loving readers in your life! Whoo HOOO!
I love Spooky Season. Halloween. Terror Time. Whatever you like to call it, when autumn’s cold creeps in, when the world is a little grayer and grimmer, when people’s thoughts turn to the dead–and dread–of October. Bwaaahahaa.
I am sooo excited about the release of THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA. It’s the culmination of the long-held dream for 52 authors from around the U.S. and D.C. and Puerto Rico. I’m proud to represent Wisconsin and my hometown’s beautiful but supposedly haunted Seven Bridges. This collection of spooky stories from around the country is already getting great reviews, like this one from Kirkus. I know it will be a favorite for readers like me, who, as a child, would have absolutely EATEN THIS UP.
The promo copy tells you to “strap in for this spooky cross country tour.” I really hope geography teachers will offer this book to readers who like a little spine-tingling (but not too scary) thrill. And it’s great for emergent or reluctant readers, as each bite-size story spans only four to six pages.
So, my lovely reader, PLEASE ORDER THE BOOK HERE, right away, even if you think you or your young person won’t get to it just yet. First-week sales greatly affect a book’s trajectory. If you want to support your local library, please ask them to carry it! Many libraries have a link where you can request titles.
A million thanks go to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and Godwin Books/Macmillan for spearheading this project. And just as many thanks to go you, dear reader, as you dig in to these shadowy tales. I hope they bring a trickle of fear for the dark, stormy nights ahead…