Mail Me Art

     Years ago, when I was studying in Spain and my husband was courting me all the way from Milwaukee, he’d send letters to me in envelopes that he’d turned into elaborate works of art. He’d create beautiful designs on the envelopes, which I just loved, and which got lots of attention from anyone who saw them.

     Flash to today, when I can proudly announce that my husband, Jeff Miracola, has artwork in another newly-released book and on display in London’s Red Gate Gallery. And, you guessed it, it features mail art!

     The Mail Me Art book features two hundred of the best illustrations from some of the great artists of today collected by art-lover Darren Di Lieto. It can be purchased here (USD) or here (GBP). Check out the MailMeArt website and, if you’re in London anytime soon, check out the gallery exhibit at:

     Red Gate Gallery
     209a Coldharbour Lane
     London. SW9 8RU. UK
     +44 (0)207.326.0993

     Seeing Jeff create the piece selected for this project really brought back some great memories. I love the work and hope you will, too.

Yeah! Getting Closer!

     It’s been a great week. A respected figure in publishing is interested in turning one of my works into a series, and we’re moving ahead on that path. There are still revisions to be made, but it’s a very promising step that I’m pleased to share with you all!

     Also, my young adult novel is coming along nicely. I’ve gotten some excellent feedback from my critique group and have incorporated quite a few of their suggestions into the manuscript. Extra eyes really do improve the work.

     That’s the latest! Happy writing!

Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops Fold

Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops     It is with great sadness that I post of the folding of Milwaukee’s own independent bookstore, Harry W. Schwartz. The bookseller has four location and has been in business for 82 years. It was a great supporter of local authors and illustrators.

     Schwartz blames the same profound economic shifts that have brought down scores of other independent bookstores throughout the country and bode ill for surviving sellers.

     Fewer bookstores mean fewer visible choices for readers, as megachains further control which books make it to shelves, thus greatly impacting a work’s sales. Big chains themselves are not bad, but I hate to see smaller stores be lost. Options are good. Choices are positive things for consumers.

     With that in mind, I’m wishing two of Schwartz’s managers success as each plans to buy a location and strike out on their own. The Downer Avenue location is set to open as the Boswell Book Company in April under the ownership of Daniel Goldwin. Lanora Hurley is in talks to open the Mequon location as the Next Chapter Bookshop, opening date yet to be determined.

     To see Schwartz’s official announcement, please click here.

New Feature

     I’ve got a new video gallery on my site, which features some of my television reporting and commentating. Just a sampling, but there you are. You can check it out by clicking here or on the Video link at the top of the page.

Entertainment and Snow

     I’ve been asked to be a regular guest on WTMJ-TV’s Live at 3 show, again joining anchors Charles Benson, Courtny Gerrish, and WTMJ-AM Host Jeff Wagner to talk over the hot topic of the day.

     In today’s “What’s Hot” segments, we discussed the waning economy and why video games are still big sellers:

     Hot Topics Number Two and Three: Will Britney Spears’ comeback efforts be successful and how well did the city of Milwaukee handle its first test of clearing snow:

     I’ll be on the show occasionally, so I’ll update my blog with the segments, but never fear, I’ll also continue to write — and blog about it!

Vote Count

Jeff Miracola’s Ballot Box     Monday, I blogged on voter turnout and hoped it would be impressively high this election. I hoped for that because I want to see Americans exercise their right to vote. My Puerto Rican relatives living on the island, as American citizens, can vote in presidential primaries. However, because Puerto Rico is not a state nor do its citizens pay federal income tax, Puerto Ricans living on the island cannot vote in presidential general elections. Many people argue over the fairness of that, but that’s not the point of this post. My point is that Americans who can vote, should.

     Initial vote tallies are coming in, and they show numbers actually went down. The American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate used vote tallies from the Associated Press to come up with some initial data. It isn’t complete because there are still votes to be tallied — in some heavily populated states — but it gives an idea.

     The examiners say about 61 percent of voting-age Americans actually voted Tuesday. The Census Bureau put it at 64 percent for 2004. Back to the AUC study, Minnesota scored the highest turnout with 75.9 percent of the voting-age population casting ballots, down from 76.8 percent four years ago. Wisconsin, my home state, came in second but also had declines, at 70.9 percent this year compared to 73.8 percent in 2004.

     I’m always saddened when I see fewer people taking part in the political process, but I try to look on the bright side, too. Local elections can have turnout in the single digits, so anything over 50 percent should be celebrated. It shows at least half the population cares how this whole thing turns out.

What’s Hot? The Election!

     On this Election Day, I joined WTMJ-TV Anchors George Mallet and Courtny Gerrish and WTMJ-AM Host Jeff Wagner on the show’s “What’s Hot” segment to talk over election- and voting- related issues.

     Hot Topic Number One: How foreign countries view the U.S. election and hope for a “less arrogant America.” My take? See for yourself:

     Hot Topics Number Two and Three: Whether the state of Wisconsin should require voters to show a photo ID to vote and whether Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin was poorly dressed at the polls, considering the controversy over her wardrobe costs. My thoughts here:

     Lots to say on all those issues, but they can’t be said now. Election results are pouring in!

You — Go Vote!

Vote Pin     In about nine hours here, the polls will open for Election Day 2008. Don’t worry, no push here for whom to vote.

     I will say, though, as a journalist, I’ve been appalled at low voter turnout on some elections. Those are usually the smaller local elections as opposed to national presidential ones. And while some experts are predicting 75 percent turnout tomorrow (It was 64 percent in 2004 and 60 percent in 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.), it’s still amazing to me that roundabouts a third of the nation lets others choose their leaders; leaders who will have an impact on almost every major aspect of their lives over the next four years.

     For some, not voting is just an expression of their cynicism over the whole process. I say, sure, leaders can’t make everything perfect for all of us, but they do influence the world around us and shape our futures. I say, it’s worth it to do your best to select one that you feel will do well by you. Don’t be one of those who is censored — silenced — by themselves.

     So go vote! Make yourself a force to be reckoned with!

“Welcome” News

Jeff Miracola Morning Blend     There’s quite a bit of news to report about Welcome to Monster Isle, the picture book illustrated by Jeff Miracola, my hubby.

     The book’s been distributed and is now available on bookstore shelves! In the Milwaukee area, you can find copies at independent bookstores such as Harry W. Schwartz. You can also find a list of convenient retailers at, where you’ll also discover extras such as coloring pages.

Morning Blend Pumpkin     More news: Today Jeff was a guest on WTMJ’s local TV talk show The Morning Blend. Hosts Alison de Castro and Molly Fay talked with Jeff about the book, his previous works, and what’s next (Click here to see the interview.). I hung in the wings, took pictures, and generally took up space. 🙂 Well, I also chatted with former colleague and TMB Executive Producer Kim Buchanan, whose boys are diggin’ the art.

     And speaking of which, thanks so much to everyone who’s contacted us to say how much their children are enjoying the book. It’s so nice to hear and makes Jeff so happy.

Ages & Illos

Julie Bowe     I’ve been posting for several days now on the speakers at SCBWI-WI’s fall retreat. The two I’ll highlight today were informative and funny, and their ideas were excellent.

     Author Julie Bowe started her session with prompts to get us thinking back to our childhood selves. We’re talking thoughts such as, “It makes me so mad when … ” or “I love it when … ,” and we were to complete the sentence as if we were our 3rd-to-5th grade selves. That was a fun little mental vacation back to my elementary-school playground (I can still remember the concrete tubes we climbed on.). The idea was to mentally return to the age of your protagonist, an absolute necessity if your writing is to resonate with that group of readers. Julie took us through fantastic research highlighting the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of older elementary-school kids. Armed with this knowlegdge, authors can have their protagonists meet and resolve their own problems within their ability and intellectual capability.

Henry Cole     Illustrator Henry Cole took us from rough sketches to final art on several of his books. His overhead projections showed how illustrations progress, how much they can change, and how very much emotion they evoke. We remember the art of our favorite picture books, and great art stays with us forever.

     Well, great books in their totality stay with us forever, and no doubt kids who’ve enjoyed Julie’s and Henry’s works would count their books among them.