Entries by Silvia

Ten Years Blogging

Milestones trigger emotions, and this one is no exception. Today marks ten years blogging. My website and blog is mostly about the creative life (writing, publishing, media in general) and occasionally sports. I’ve experienced growth in all those areas, and I hope something I wrote added to your insight on a subject. My very first post was about […]

Play Date! at the SCBWI Retreat

My engines are really revving for the SCBWI-WI fall retreat. You should come. Really! You have just three short weeks to sign up, and I’ll tell you why you should (and then how to maybe get in for free!). The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators is the premier association for creators of children’s lit (and […]

Writing Prompt – Dancing

I recently bought a prompt journal (300 Writing Prompts by Piccadilly Inc.) to force really quick writing.  Here’s my latest prompt: Do you prefer to dance with no one watching, with a group of friends, or with one special partner? All of the above. I just like to dance. I’m not particularly good or bad at it. […]

Writing Prompt – Admired Personality Trait

Bought myself a journal (300 Writing Prompts by Piccadilly Inc.) to force really quick writing.  Here’s my latest prompt: What is a personality trait do you admire in other people? Patience, which often manifests itself in kindness. Look, the world is a trying place. People and circumstances can frustrate us and lead us away from our […]

Writing Prompt – Bathroom Paraphernalia

I recently decided to start writing in smaller chunks.  I bought this journal: 300 Writing Prompts by Piccadilly Inc. The idea is to give quick answers without editing. Here’s the latest prompt. Name three things you have in your bathroom right now. I have a framed Monet print which brings a smile to my face. I’m not […]

Writing Prompt – The Week’s Theme

My fiction is usually long form, so I recently decided to change things up and start writing in smaller chunks.  I bought this journal: 300 Writing Prompts by Piccadilly Inc. The idea is to give quick answers without a lot of humming and hawing. I’ll post my answers here occasionally. If this week had a theme to it, […]

Writing Prompt – Snob Much?

My fiction is usually long form, so last week I decided to change things up and start a habit of writing in much smaller chunks.  I bought this journal: 300 Writing Prompts by Piccadilly Inc. The idea is to give quick answers without a lot of humming and hawing. I’ll post my answers here occasionally. Is […]

A Captivating Literary Weekend

I spent the latter part of this week presenting with the Wisconsin State Reading Association, an organization that’s all about literacy. Their concerns: how parents and teachers teach kids to read, helping students strengthen their reading skills, and encouraging all of us to make our society well read. Literacy is a cause dear to my […]

Wrapping up 2016 with Four Final Events

Looking back at 2016, I can see that I had a lot to be thankful for. Most importantly, I have good health, a loving family, and dear friends, many of you among them. If we haven’t yet met in person, I hope to someday get the pleasure. This year saw the release of the second […]