Entries by Silvia

Launch Party

     I’m not sure if her husband really feels like a two-month road trip will be a punishment, but Lesley Kagen suspects he might feel that way by the end of it. Last night, Lesley began her book release tour with a launch party at the Harry W. Schwartz Bookshop in Mequon. Next, the pair will […]

Breaking Dawn

     I adore Bella Swan. And I’m so sad to read the end of her story. Stephenie Meyer has said that Breaking Dawn will be the end of the Twilight Saga as told by Bella. Of course, fans are anxiously awaiting Midnight Sun, to hear Edward’s perspective, but still, there are real pangs, real angst with […]

Deep Fried Writin’

     Is it wrong to sneak in a line or two — maybe even a whole paragraph — of writing while your kids are in a long line for the roller coaster? I hope not, because that’s exactly what I did. In fact, I’m sure it’s awesome, so I’m blogging on it.      See, every year, my […]

Summer Reading Celebration

     Love meeting authors? The Wisconsin Chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators is hosting a book signing party with Wisconsin talents. More than a dozen Wisconsin authors are scheduled to read from their new books, including award-winning picture books, middle grade, and young adult works.      The event is being held June 21, […]

Welcome to Monster Isle Available at Amazon

     Jeff Miracola’s first picture book is now available for pre-order at Amazon.com! He’s my hubby, and a fabulously talented, successful illustrator. Welcome to Monster Isle is written by Oliver Chin and published by Immedium, Inc. All 36 pages of this fabulous, fantastical romp will be available in stores September 2008.      Story Description:      A family’s vacation […]

Plagiarism Hits Home

     We’ve just learned that my husband’s work, along with the work of dozens of other illustrators, has been stolen. The art, along with many interviews painstakingly conducted by art advocate Darren Di Lieto of The Little Chimp Society, have been printed in a book, apparently out of China.      PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. None […]

Whistling in the Library

     New York Times Bestselling Author Lesley Kagen had everyone at the Whitefish Bay Library Center laughing, as she talked off the cuff about her life and the publishing process. Kagen is the author of Whistling in the Dark, pictured here. She, along with H. W. Schwartz Bookshops’ General Manager Daniel Goldin, spoke of the steps […]

Talking Books

     There is nothing like spending time with other writers and illustrators to renew your love of books. My husband and I got to do just that Saturday, when we had the pleasure of attending the spring luncheon of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators – Wisconsin.      Sarah Cloots, the featured guest and an […]

CG Honors

     I am pleased as can be to tell you that my husband’s artwork has received another honor. The Society of Digital Artists is highlighting his work as the Society’s Featured Portfolio. Once there, click on the wrestler to see more of his work, or you can check out Jeff’s other work by going directly to […]

A Thrilling Announcement

     When you venture into something new, it’s usually pretty exciting, especially when you have some success. We here are pretty excited to announce that my husband’s first children’s book has been announced and is available for pre-order. Yeah for him!      Although he’s been designing and creating art for many years and has already been published […]