Entries by Silvia

Braving Long Track Nationals

     This weekend U.S. Speedskating held its 2011 Pack Style Long Track National Championships in Roseville, Minnesota. I’m happy to say that I defended my national championship title, and my daughter Antonia had an absolutely spectacular showing to come in second in her age division.      Here’s a picture of one of her starts. She’s the second […]

Skating My First Marathon Distance

     Today I skated my first marathon distance — 126 laps on the Pettit National Ice Center Olympic Oval. That’s 50K (31 miles) plus one extra lap just to add an exclamation point.      The U.S. Speedskating National Marathon distances are 25K and 50K. My daughter, who skated along with me, surpassed the 25K distance by skating […]

This is a test

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Ten Trends in Children’s Books

     Today Scholastic, the leading publisher and distributor of children’s books, released its list of top ten trends in children’s books for 2010, put together by its editors and literature experts.      So what was hot this year? According to Judy Newman, President of Scholastic Book Clubs, the answer is a great story told differently. “We’ve seen […]

Running my First 15K

     Today I ran my first organized group race, the Lakefront Discovery 15K, run along Milwaukee’s beautiful Lake Michigan shores. Running really makes you dig deep down to find out what you’re made of. Turns out I’m made of running material — I met the goal and did fairly well, too!      My husband and I took […]

Defining Your Genre

     The writers of the Wisconsin Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators are a great group and often pass along helpful writing tips. Here’s the latest, a genre glossary written by Agent Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Click here to learn exactly what it is you’re writing!

New Rules in Short Track Speedskating

This weekend, U.S. Speedskating held an officials’ clinic in Milwaukee to cover changes in ISU Short Track Rules. Some of the changes were better received than others, with one in particularly causing some controversy. Some call it the beginning of “roller-derby style” skating. Others think it makes sense. In the past, an official could disqualify […]

A Mummy Couldn’t be Prouder

     Antonia took second place in the 2010 Wisconsin Association of School Boards’ Write and Illustrate Your Own Picture Book Contest! Her awesome creation, The Mummy Comes Moaning, was judged one of the best among 342 entries state-wide. She competed in the 4th & 5th grade division. Along with a certificate of commendation and a cash […]

Dryland Training and Blasting Expectations

     I just finished up my dryland training for the summer and am feeling so, so ready for the skating season to start. For those of you who may not know what dryland training is, it’s training on dry land as opposed to on the ice, so skaters work their legs and aerobic and anaerobic capacity […]