Horrifying hauntings at Boswell Booooooookssss

Haha OMG I had such a good time at Boswell Books this weekend as I saw old friends, read aloud from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA, and answered smart questions from the audience during my author visit. It was such a fun, lively, and costumed(!) event as part of larger festivities along Downer Ave on Milwaukee’s east side. The Downer Ave Haunted Halloween festival brings out families fully dressed for a safe trick-or-treat experience, and it was just a blast. Enjoy the pictures below, and I hope to see you at my next horrifying haunting–er, book signing.

Author Silvia Acevedo dressed as La Llorona (the Wailing Woman), the ghost in her spooky tale in THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book.

Me, as La Llorona (the Wailing Woman), the ghastly ghost said to haunt The Seven Bridges in South Milwaukee. She is the terror of my tale in the THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA, so of course I had to *become* her. Bwoooo…

Illustrator Aaron Boyd and author Silvia Acevedo

Me with my old friend and uber talented Milwaukee illustrator Aaron Boyd

Kids trick-or-treating with author Silvia Acevedo

Happy Trick-or-Treat to all the princesses and transformers out there!

Silvia Acevedo and her friend Beth R.

Me with my old friend and huge supporter of the arts Beth R.

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume at a podium during her author visit, reading her spooky story from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA

Reading my spoooooky tale. That podium should have been made of bones, bwahaha…

Author Silvia Acevedo reads her spooky tale from the book THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA

What a fun and friendly crowd.

Author Silvia Acevedo reads her spooky tale from the book THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA

Love the tiger ears. Rawr.

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume hands out trick or treat candy after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

Have some candy! It’s good for you.

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume hands out trick or treat candy after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

The tale of La Llorona gets everyone talking.

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting readers and signing books after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

Chatting and chatting and even more chatting, how lovely 🙂

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting costumed kids after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

I love this swampy costume!

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting costumed kids and signs books after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

Signing books. Aarh! Avast, ye pirate scum!

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting costumed kids and signing books after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

Genuinely impressed with kids’ costumery.

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting costumed kids and signs books after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

The Grim Reaper is out tonight, their eyes set on you. And if they don’t get you, woe betide you, La Llorona will…

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting costumed kids and signing books after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

Questions for the author.

Author Silvia Acevedo in costume greeting costumed kids and signs books after reading her spooky tale from THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book

How dare you interrupt me, mortal? I’ll take your ill-fitting head.

Author Silvia Acevedo speaks with Sandy Maxx, host of the "What's On Tap" culture and creativity show on Newsradio 620 WTMJ

What’s On Tap

What fun to be back on radio! Many thanks to Sandy Maxx, host of the “What’s On Tap” culture and creativity show on Newsradio 620 WTMJ for bringing me on to talk about my creative endeavors. We talked about my upcoming events for THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA book and also about the Fantasy Art Workshop Illustration Intensive that I co-run with my husband, Jeff Miracola.
Hear (and see!) my chat by clicking HERE. I have two six-minute segments starting at 6:00 and 15:50. Enjoy!
Author Silvia Acevedo speaks with Sandy Maxx, host of the "What's On Tap" culture and creativity show on Newsradio 620 WTMJ

What’s On Tap host Sandy Maxx chats with author Silvia Acevedo

Author Silvia Acevedo signs her book THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA at Daydream Believer Books and Gifts in Lake Mills, Wisconsin

Miss P at Daydream Believer

What an amazing evening at Daydream Believer Books and Gifts! I met a delightful, outgoing, and inquisitive young lady, eight years old, whom I’ll call Miss P who’d read my story and a bunch more in The Haunted States of America and had so many great questions and comments during my talk. Miss P had a quick answer to my question why might it be that the illustrations in the book are all black and white (“Because it’s scarier!” Yes, that’s one great reason.), and she had her own super questions about a bunch of stories (“If a character has sharp teeth, are they a good guy or a bad guy?” Oh, my darling, how context matters.).

All the authors I’ve spoken with absolutely love when readers come having already read their stories. They ask SUCH great questions, and young readers especially have fascinating ideas and adorable insights. Well, needless to say, I had the best time. Thanks, Miss P. You made my night.

Here’s a pic of me signing Daydreamer’s stock of The Haunted States. If you’re considering picking up the book, please look at Daydreamer’s and support a beautiful local bookstore.

Author Silvia Acevedo signs her book THE HAUNTED STATES OF AMERICA at Daydream Believer Books and Gifts in Lake Mills, Wisconsin